Shocking Discovery: Photographer Finds Own Father Among Photographing Homeless People After 10 Years

Shocking Discovery: Photographer Finds Own Father Among Photographing Homeless People After 10 Years

Diana Kim, a photographer from Maui, learned the art of photography from her father. Unfortunately, her parents separated, and she lost contact with her dad, who wasn’t around much after that.

In 2003, Diana began photographing homeless people to raise awareness about their challenges. In 2012, while taking pictures of homeless individuals in Honolulu, she unexpectedly found her father among them.

Diana told NBC News that her father, who suffered from severe schizophrenia, often disappeared at night, only to reappear on street corners unexpectedly. His untreated condition sometimes made him unresponsive, and he appeared to argue with invisible people.

Despite these challenges, Diana continued to bring him meals and encouraged him to seek mental health care. It wasn’t until he had a heart attack in October 2014 that he finally agreed to get help. Today, Diana’s father is much better, no longer homeless, receiving treatment, looking for a part-time job, and planning to visit family in South Korea.

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Diana Kim began photographing the homeless in 2003.

Shocking Discovery: Photographer Finds Own Father Among Photographing Homeless People After 10 Years

Her father taught her about photography, but she lost contact with him after her parents divorced.

Diana Kim with her father, 1988

Kim was taken aback when she saw her father among the homeless people she was photographing in 2012.

April 12, 2013

“I had been looking for my father for weeks before finding him sitting behind a dumpster, tucked under a bush for shade.”

October 10, 2013 / August 4, 2013

“He had severe schizophrenia and was not always responsive if left untreated.”

June 5, 2014

“There were several occasions when it appeared as if he was arguing with someone, but no one was present.”

June 5, 2014

Kim’s father agreed to seek therapy for his disease only after he was hospitalized due to a heart attack.

October 20, 2014

“I gave my old camera to my father in the hopes that it would pique his interest in photography and give him something to look forward to.” I want him to stay in this pleasant environment.”

December 2014

He was much improved after only a few months. “It felt good to see him so healthy and tall again.”

“My father spends a lot of time with his friends and is actively looking for work.”

Diana Kim and her father, 2015

“I have learned to continue embracing personal and spiritual challenges as an opportunity for growth,” Kim told NextShark.

“Life is a gift in and of itself.” I am very relieved to see him alive and well. “I’m grateful for what we have right now.”
July 17, 2015

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