Vet operating on wild goose suddenly hears tapping on door and finds his mate trying to break in

In the small town of Barnstable, Massachusetts, a touching story has unfolded involving a brave Canada goose named Arnold, who suffered a life-threatening injury. What happened next was an unexpected and heartwarming display of loyalty and love.

Geese are known for their strong family bonds, but the staff at Cape Wildlife Center were still surprised when Arnold’s mate, Amelie, appeared at the clinic’s door while he was undergoing a critical operation on his injured foot.

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Arnold’s injury, likely caused by an encounter with a snapping turtle, needed urgent care. The veterinary team decided to amputate one of his toes to save his life. As they were getting ready for surgery, a heartwarming moment occurred—Amelie, Arnold’s devoted mate, tapped on the door, showing her concern for him.

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The staff was amazed when Amelie stayed by the door throughout Arnold’s entire surgery, showing her unwavering support. The experienced veterinarians had never seen anything like it, and they were touched by the strong bond between the two geese.

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The successful surgery brought relief to both the medical team and the devoted goose couple. When Arnold was placed near the door to be reunited with Amelie, she seemed to relax, seeing him again. The sight of the two geese together clearly showed their strong bond.

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In the weeks following Arnold’s surgery, he and Amelie spent valuable time together outdoors at the wildlife center. Despite the challenges, their love and commitment highlighted the strong family bonds found in the animal world.

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The touching story of Arnold and Amelie has gained widespread attention, with many praising the Cape Wildlife Center for their caring efforts. It reminds us of the deep connections that exist in the animal world and the valuable lessons we can learn about love, loyalty, and family.

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Share this touching story with your friends and family to spread the warmth of Arnold and Amelie’s extraordinary journey.

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