
A homeless man was located and reunited with his family after his family’s photos of his transformation went viral.

Some individuals face relentless hardships in life, dealt a weak hand by fate, leaving them at the bottom. Joao Coelho Guimares, 45, experienced such adversity, spending the past three years without a home, wandering the streets in search of food and basic necessities to survive.

However, when employees at a barbershop volunteered to give him a haircut, his fortunes began to change. “He came in, and we offered him food, but he declined and asked if we had a razor to trim his beard,” Alessandro recounted in an interview with online publication UOL. Inspired by his request, the barbershop staff decided to help him in a different way, offering him a day of pampering.

Along with a haircut, beard trim, and shower, the barbershop provided Joao with new clothing—a trio of shirts, jeans, a jacket, and fresh shoes. Little did they know that when they shared images of Joao’s transformation, his family would stumble upon them, believing him to have been dead for ten years, leading to a heartwarming reunion.

More info: Padoooficial | Marianosantosbarbearia | Alessandro Lobo

Joao Coelho Guimares visited the barbershop and inquired about getting his beard trimmed while there.


Image credits: padoooficial

When we interviewed Alessandro, the owner of the barbershop, about the incident, he explained their decision to help Joao. He said, “We could see how much help he needed, so we decided to offer it. Over the past two months, we’ve developed a friendship with him. When he asked for a razor, we welcomed him and ensured he had the full experience.”

The employees welcomed him with open arms and made him an offer that was significantly more appealing than that.


“We offer various social assistance programs, and it’s deeply fulfilling for us to help anyone in need,” said Alessandro. “During the pandemic, many faced the loss of loved ones and financial struggles. When asked if they regularly assist homeless individuals, he replied, “Any support is always welcomed during such difficult times.”

They assured Joo that they would give him an entirely new appearance.


They washed Joo, shaved and cut his hair, trimmed his beard, and groomed him.


“The transition took a total of two hours to complete. Each member of the group pitched in, contributing a little, but together their efforts produced a remarkable outcome. Alessandro noted that Joao had the most touching reaction once they finished his makeover. He was visibly moved and expressed his gratitude wholeheartedly. Though he didn’t say much, his tears spoke volumes. It was a surprise to discover that he was just as beautiful on the inside as he was on the outside.”

Joo had an entirely new appearance by the time the barbers were finished with him.


When questioned about why Joao left his home, Alessandro chose not to delve into the matter. He stated, “I didn’t feel it was necessary to inquire about the reasons behind his departure. He likely had his own motives, but our aim was to offer him dignity in that moment.”

Soon after the before and after images of the makeover were made public, Joo was in for an even greater shock.


Because his images became so popular, his family could locate him, and the barbershop set up a meeting for them.


His sister, Maria Coelho, rushed to meet him after identifying him: “His sister Maria Coelho hurried to him upon seeing the images.” She had been waiting in Brasilia, the Federal District of Brazil, for the past ten years, hoping to receive any news about him. She had even feared that he had passed away.

Joo was thrilled to be back with his family and embarking on a new chapter in his life.


His ancestors showed him some pictures of themselves when Joo was a child.


When we asked Alessandro about Joao’s current location, he replied, “Joao is still residing on the streets.” Despite his sister’s eagerness to reunite with him and bring him home, Joao showed no interest in either option. He insisted that he felt more like himself while wandering the city streets and, as a result, had no desire to return home.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that this change will signal the beginning of a more favourable era for Joo.


Source:- Viral9.net

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One Comment

  1. You know it makes you wander at times if there are people out there that still help someone in need, then there are those that could care less about the need of those that are so in need of help that they decline the offer. Because they have been so alone and only dependent on them self it is hard to believe that there are still those out there that would be more than happy to put a smile on a homeless person and do what they can to open up a new chapter in there life. God Bless those people that take the time to make it possible for homeless people to trust in those that would make a difference in there life to make them feel whole again.

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