Firefighters save a truck driver’s puppy from a storm drain, and they then give her back to her owner
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Firefighters save a truck driver’s puppy from a storm drain, and they then give her back to her owner

Sometimes, animals get stuck and need our help to get out. That’s what happened when firefighters saved a dog from a drain. The best part? The dog, Trixie, got reunited with her owner! It all happened in Cobb County, Georgia. Trixie was out exploring with her owner, who drives a truck.

Sadly, she fell into a storm drain and got stuck after falling 12 feet.


When the owner saw his beloved companion trapped like that, he must have been really scared. But luckily, help came quickly. Firefighters from Cobb County Fire’s Engine 9C and Squad 7C arrived and started the rescue operation. They lowered a firefighter into the drain system after dropping an air monitoring equipment and setting up a rope system.

Thankfully, the task was successful. The fire department said that poor Trixie was “glad to be rescued” and immediately went up to the firefighter. Then, they both were lifted out of the hole. Trixie has some bruises but will be okay, according to the veterinarian and Cobb County Fire. After sharing the story on social media, many people praised the fire team for acting fast to save Trixie. “Awesome job CCFD and everybody who helped reunite Trixie with her owner!” one person wrote.

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That poor baby! I’m so happy they managed to save her! Another person said, “Seems like dad had a terrible day too.”

People really love their dogs, especially this truck driver who adores Trixie as his travel buddy. It must have been so scary to lose Trixie like that. But luckily, the firefighters were able to reunite them!

What wonderful news! Please tell everyone about this touching story!

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