Meet “Magic Rabbit”, A Wonderful And Rare Creature That Has Been Seen For The First Time In 20 Years!

After almost 20 years, an incredible animal was captured on camera, and it might be one of the most fascinating mammals on Earth. First discovered in 1983, this “magic rabbit” is known as the Ili pika, or Ochotona iliensis.

The Ili pika is a mammal from the Ochotonidae family found in northwestern China. Unfortunately, its numbers are falling due to climate change. There are now fewer than 1,000 Ili pikas left.

The Ili pika, first found in remote areas of northwestern China, was called the “Magic Rabbit” by conservationist Li Weidong. Mr. Li Weidong noted that the Ili pika’s numbers have dropped by about 70% since the early 1980s, with fewer than 1,000 left in the wild.

Mr. Li Weidong Told CNN: “I Discovered The Species, I Observed How It Is Endangered,”

When He Saw That No One Was Ready To Help These Little Creatures, He Decided To Go It Alone. In 2014, He Planned To Organize A Team Of 20 Volunteers To Confirm The Cute Animal’s Numbers And Thus Help In The Conservation Of The Species. But Sadly, Most Of His Savings Were Spent On Funding Research, But The Authorities Lost Interest.

“This small species could become extinct at any time,” he said. “They are no longer found in the areas where they used to be.” He also added, “I am almost 60 years old and might not be able to climb the Tianshan Mountains much longer. I really hope that an organization will study and protect the Ili pika.”

According To, SONYAZ

(Photo Right To Original Owner)

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