Truck Drivers Stop To Help Thirsty Baby Elephant By The Side Of The Road
Last weekend, truck drivers passing through Botswana saw a baby elephant suddenly appear from the bushes by the road.
The drivers, from AfriAg transport company in Johannesburg, South Africa, had stopped due to a fallen bridge when the baby elephant showed up, as if asking for help.
The men approached the little elephant carefully. As they got closer, they noticed she was very thirsty, so they let her drink from one of their water bottles.
Despite searching the area, they couldn’t find the baby’s mother or herd.
Realizing they needed to do more than just give the elephant water, the truck drivers decided to take her with them. Once the bridge was repaired, they brought her to a nearby sanctuary called Elephant Sands.
Botswana is a great place for a baby elephant like hers. “We believe Botswana has one of the best wildlife conservation strategies in the world,” said Paul Oxton, founder and director of Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation.
The country has recently banned elephant riding and made significant efforts to protect elephants and their habitats, setting an example for other countries.
“Thanks to this effective nationwide strategy, we’re confident that this baby will receive the best care possible,” Oxton added.
We’re cheering for this little elephant!
To support the rescue of other baby elephants in Botswana, you can donate to the Water for Elephants Trust.
Update: The elephant is now at Elephants Without Borders and is “doing very well,” according to Chantelle Beyleveld, a friend of the rescuers who shared the video and photos on Facebook. She mentioned in an email to The Dodo that Carlos, one of the drivers who helped, said the baby was so thirsty she drank nearly 30 liters of water. “I wanted to show that truckers have big hearts and will go out of their way to help,” Beyleveld said.
Correction: The previous version of this article incorrectly stated that the elephant was taken to the Botswana Elephant Sanctuary. In fact, she was first brought to Elephant Sands and the Water for Elephants Trust before being transferred to Elephants Without Borders, according to a source from Elephant Sands. Additionally, the earlier version referred to the baby as a boy, but she is actually a girl.