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98-Year-Old Mom Moves Into Care Home to Care for Her 80-Year-Old Son, Stating, “The Role of a Mother Never Ends.”

A mother’s love for her child is incredibly strong, and this story shows just how powerful that bond can be. Ada Keating, who is 98 years old, moved to a care home in Liverpool to take care of her 80-year-old son, Tom. They’re both happy living together and looking out for each other.

Ada and her husband, Harry, had four children: Tom, Barbara, Margi, and Janet. Unfortunately, Janet passed away when she was only 13 years old. Before retiring, Tom worked as a painter and decorator at HE Simm Building Services on Prescot Road. In 2016, he moved to Moss View because he needed more help.

Ada and Tom enjoy spending time together, playing games, and watching their favorite TV show, Emmerdale. Ada always says goodnight to Tom in his room and greets him in the morning. When she goes out to get her hair done, Tom looks forward to her return and gives her a hug.

Tom is happy with the arrangement, saying, “Things are good here, and I’m happy to see my mom more often now that she lives here. She takes good care of me and sometimes reminds me to behave.”

Philip Daniels, the person in charge of the care home, is glad to see Ada and Tom have such a strong bond. He’s happy they could help both of them. It’s not common for mothers and their children to live in the same care home, so they want to make their time together special.

(h/t liverpoolecho)


Image credit: Liverpoolecho


Image credit: Liverpoolecho


Image credit: Liverpoolecho


Image credit: Liverpoolecho


Image credit: Liverpoolecho


Image credit: Liverpoolecho


Image credit: Liverpoolecho

As Ada said, “You never stop being a mum.”

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