
A 900-Pound Animal Becomes Stuck In The Mud, And A Woman Clings To Her Horse For Three Hours

As the tide was coming in, Miss Graham and her horse were both trapped up to their waists in the muck. Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Astro, her 18-year-old show horse, is comforted by Nicole Graham in a desperate attempt to free him from coastal muck.Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features
Astro was stuck hard, and Miss Graham’s attempts to free him only made her fall farther into the mire. Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Veryovkina Cave is a fascinating example of the hidden wonders beneath our feet. Its impressive depth, unique rock formations, and special ecosystem make it endlessly intriguing. As scientists and explorers continue to study it, the cave challenges our knowledge of the Earth’s underground world and fuels our desire for adventure and discovery.

For both experienced cavers and fans of natural wonders, Veryovkina Cave reminds us of the incredible places still waiting to be explored on our planet. Its exploration is a journey into the unknown, showcasing human curiosity and determination, and highlighting the many mysteries still hidden deep below the Earth’s surface.

In an effort to get Astro out safely, veterinarian Stacey Sullivan is getting ready to anesthetize him. Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features
Tidal terror: The courageous mother tries to calm the horse as rescuers figure out way to free the creature. Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features
Miss Graham expressed her sadness at witnessing her horse’s exhaustion and struggle.
Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Miss Graham stayed by her horse’s side while Paris rushed to their car to call for help. She held onto his neck, afraid the tide would engulf him if he wasn’t rescued.

After three “terrifying” hours, rescue workers finally freed Astro and Miss Graham from the muck.

Miss Graham, who owns over ten horses and runs an equine dentistry practice, shared with the Geelong Advertiser how a peaceful afternoon ride turned into a nightmare.

“It was frightening,” she said. “It was also heartbreaking to watch my horse struggle and become exhausted.”

The crew is battling to release the horse as the water is seen growing closer to him.
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escuers are scrambling to find a method to rescue the trapped horse as time is rapidly running out for him. Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features
A farmer’s tractor is used to help drag Astro out of the muck.
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“We immediately sank. Every time I moved, the mud pulled me back in. It was everywhere and wouldn’t let us go.”

After ensuring her daughter and her horse were safe, she returned to Astro, hoping help would come before the tide swept him away.

“I’ve never had any trouble in my 20 years of riding here,” she said. “I didn’t know it was so muddy because I’d never seen any signs or warnings.”

When she saw the dust from the rescue truck, she felt immense relief. “I felt like I was about to collapse,” she added.

Fire Lieutenant Roger Buckle, one of the volunteer rescuers, said, “It was like quicksand.”

The fire departments were assisted by a veterinary team and a local farmer with a tractor. Firefighters used a winch and hoses, but neither worked.

Astro is taken free of the mud while sedated and fatigued, and to the relief of the rescuers, he collapses on the ground.
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Vet Stacey Sullivan helps Astro in standing up as the sedative’s effects fade off.
Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

Everyone worked together to save Astro. Veterinarian Stacey Sullivan had chained him up, and with the help of the farmer’s tractor, they managed to pull Astro from the mud just moments before the water reached him.

Lieut. Buckle said, “It was a race against the waves, and thankfully, we won.” He praised everyone’s efforts, especially Miss Sullivan’s, whose sedation of Astro made it easier to free him.

Miss Sullivan noted that Astro was dehydrated but coped well.

Many horses don’t survive such incidents, and she believed the chances of survival would have been much lower if the owner hadn’t been present.

Immediately after the incident, Astro and Miss Graham were guided to safety. The veterinarian emphasized that without the owner’s efforts, the horse might not have survived.

Miss Graham drives her horses away from the shore after the harrowing rescue.
Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features
Astro and Miss Graham are guided to safety following the incident. According to the veterinarian, the horse might not have survived if it weren’t for the efforts of his owner.
Photo Credits – Newspix / Rex features

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