The Tragic Story Of Elvis Presley’s Twin Brother
Elvis Presley is a huge name in music history, known as the “King of Rock and Roll.” He became really famous back in the 1950s and is still remembered today as one of the best musicians ever. He’s considered a big deal because he helped change the way young people thought and acted during that time. But here’s something you might not know about him: he actually had a twin brother. Keep reading to find out more about this sad story.
During his career, Elvis Presley won lots of awards and got recognized for his work. He won three Grammy Awards and got nominated for 14 more. Besides being a famous musician, he was also a well-known actor, starring in many Hollywood movies. With such a great career and probably more success ahead, it was really sad when Elvis unexpectedly passed away at just 42 because of heart problems. His fans all over the world were really surprised and sad about his sudden death.
Almost forty years later, a movie about Elvis’s life was made, and millions of people watched it to learn more about this legendary singer. One surprising thing many people found out from the film was that Elvis actually had a twin brother.
Elvis was born in 1935 and grew up as the only child in Tupelo, Mississippi. But he was supposed to have a twin brother. His mom, Gladys Love Presley, gave birth to two twin boys. Jesse Garon was born about 35 minutes before Elvis, but sadly, he was stillborn. The next day, they buried Jesse in an unmarked grave in Priceville cemetery in Mississippi.

Many experts in psychology and people who write about Elvis’s life think that losing his brother had a big impact on him and his family. One psychologist, Peter Whitmore, wrote a book about Elvis called “Inner Elvis” in 1996. He thinks that Jesse’s death was a really sad event that changed Elvis a lot. Whitmore believes that Jesse became a big part of Elvis’s life, even though he wasn’t alive. He said that Jesse was like a strong force that influenced everything Elvis did and even affected his relationships with other people.
Elvis’s parents also had their own thoughts about losing their son Jesse. Gladys, Elvis’s mom, thought that Elvis got Jesse’s soul after he died, which made him really special. They tried to have more kids after Elvis, but sadly, they had miscarriages. This made Gladys and Elvis’s dad, Vernon, think that Elvis was meant to be their only child. “God told me in my heart that Elvis was the only child we’d ever have and the only one we’d ever need,” Vernon said.
But losing his twin brother wasn’t the only sad event that affected Elvis forever. In 1958, his mom got sick with hepatitis. This was really hard for Elvis because he was really close to his mom. Even when he was grown up, they still talked to each other like babies and had special names for each other, according to sources.
Elvis was really sad when his mom’s health got worse and she passed away. He was heartbroken. “She was always my best girl,” he said. At her funeral, witnesses saw how upset he was. He even collapsed on her casket, saying, “Don’t take my baby away. She’s not dead, she’s just sleeping.”
After that, he met his wife, Priscilla Beaulieu, but he was still dealing with a lot of sadness. He started taking too many prescription pills, and his health got worse because of it. It was these changes in his life that eventually led to his own sudden death.
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