
Robert Wdlow: The Gentle Giant – The Tallest Man in Recorded History

In 1955, Norris and Ross McWhirter, founders of Guinness World Records, stated that the only accepted evidence about the height of giants was current measurements made under impartial medical observation. They disregarded claims of legendary giants and declared Robert Wadlow the tallest man with incontrovertible evidence, despite many false legends throughout history.

The courteous American’s height at his last measurement on June 27, 1940, was an impressive 2.72 meters (8 feet 11.1 inches). Wadlow’s extraordinary height was due to an enlarged pituitary gland, which produced an extremely high level of HGH.

Wadlow became famous worldwide for his remarkable height and used his notoriety to make money through public appearances. This essay will examine Robert Wadlow, the tallest man ever measured, and his legacy.

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On February 22, 1918, Robert Pershing Wadlow was born in Alton, Illinois, USA. He was the first child of Harold and Addie Wadlow, who later had four more children. Robert was born at a healthy weight of 8 pounds, 6 ounces, but he soon started to grow at an astonishing rate.

At six months old, Robert was already the size of a typical one-year-old. By the time he was five, he weighed 105 pounds and was 5 feet 4 inches tall. At eight years old, he was shorter than his six-foot-tall father, but by the time he was ten, he had surpassed his father’s height, standing over six feet tall.

Robert’s parents became increasingly concerned about his health as he grew. Despite visits to the doctor, no one could explain why he was growing so quickly. However, despite his extraordinary size, Robert was a cheerful and energetic boy.

He enjoyed playing with his brothers and friends and attending school, but his size made it difficult for him to participate in activities like athletics.

Robert’s rapid growth amazed his family and doctors, and his fame quickly spread beyond his village. People came from all over to see the “Giant of Illinois,” as he was called. At age 18, Robert measured 8 feet 11.1 inches, making him the tallest man in history.

Growth And Achievements

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Robert Wadlow began to grow rapidly at the age of three, and by the time he was eight, he had reached a towering height of 6 feet 2 inches (1.88 m).

His height made it difficult to find shoes and clothing that fit properly, and he needed specially made braces to support his legs. Despite these challenges, Wadlow was an active child who enjoyed playing with his brothers and schoolmates.

As his height increased, Wadlow became a national celebrity and frequently attracted media attention.

At 8 feet 4 inches tall (2.54 m), Robert Wadlow was officially named the tallest man in the world at the 1933 Chicago World’s Fair. He was given the nickname “Alton Giant” and was often invited to make public appearances.

Wadlow’s great height contributed to his fame, and he received many gifts and honors throughout his life.

Photo Credits – Guinness World Record

Notable people who invited Robert Wadlow for a meeting included President Franklin D. Roosevelt and boxer Jack Dempsey. He was also recognized for his achievements and moral character by being admitted into the Order of DeMolay, a Masonic youth group.

Despite his fame, Wadlow remained humble and kind, often using his influence to promote charity causes and peace.

Those who knew him admired his positive outlook. However, Wadlow’s enormous size put a lot of stress on his body, leading to several health issues throughout his life.


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Despite his immense size, Wadlow faced numerous health issues.

One of his main medical problems was pituitary gland hyperplasia, which caused an excess of growth hormone. This condition made him grow quickly and excessively, but it also led to several medical issues, including joint pain, mobility problems, and a weakened immune system.

Wadlow’s height and weight put a great deal of strain on his body, resulting in several health issues. He was prone to infections and had ongoing respiratory and cardiovascular problems. Due to his height, he struggled to move around and often used canes and leg braces for support.

Despite these challenges, Wadlow was determined to live a normal life. After graduating high school, he attended Shurtleff College in Illinois to study law.

He also began advocating for the International Shoe Company, which made shoes to fit his size 37AA feet. Wadlow became well-known as a public figure, traveling extensively for the company’s promotional purposes.

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Despite his remarkable height, Robert Wadlow faced various health issues throughout his life. One of the most serious was a leg infection caused by an improperly fitted brace.

This infection led to his death on July 15, 1940, when he was 22 years old. At the time of his passing, he stood 8 feet 11 inches tall (2.72 m).

Wadlow’s death was deeply felt by his family, close friends, and the general public. Thousands of mourners attended his funeral, and his story continues to inspire many.

Robert Wadlow is still honored with many memorials and accolades. In Alton, Illinois, where he was born, there is a life-size statue of him and a museum dedicated to his life and achievements. He remains the tallest man ever, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

Wadlow’s life is the subject of numerous books, documentaries, and other works of art. People around the world remain fascinated by his life’s challenges, and his story continues to inspire.

Robert Wadlow’s exceptional height and brief but significant life have left a lasting impact on the world.

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Despite facing many health problems, Wadlow achieved a lot in his lifetime and uplifted those around him. He remains an inspiration to people with disabilities and others going through tough times. Robert Wadlow is honored with numerous statues and memorials worldwide, and his legacy endures.

His story reminds us that it is possible to make a significant impact on the world even when facing great challenges.

As we wrap up, we still have many unanswered questions about Robert Wadlow’s life and contributions. How did his immense height affect his daily life, and what might have caused it? How might his life have been different with better medical care and technology? What can we learn from his determination in the face of challenges?

While we may never fully answer these questions, we can remember Robert Wadlow and inspire others through his story. Please share this article with your loved ones to help raise awareness about this remarkable man and his legacy. Thank you for reading.

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